With Christmas around the corner and just some weeks left for new year, we want to end this year by thanking Médecins Sans Frontières (Läkare utan gränser) with a donation.
Fiberrollout.com and IS Tools highlights awareness of global challenges that exist beyond business.
We are happy to support Médecins Sans Frontières, a renowned international medical humanitarian organization providing medical care to those in crisis around the world. The decision to contribute to Médecins Sans Frontières reflects on our commitment to take responsibility for social, humanitarian causes and be able to make a positive impact.
Together we can make difference for those in need! Fiberrollout.com encourages its partners and customers to contribute for such causes- CEO, Johan Barrebo.
Wishing You a Joyous Holiday Season
We’re filled with gratitude for the opportunities we have had this year to serve our customers and partners. Both Fiberrollout.com and IS Tools are thankful for the belief you have shown in us. May this holiday season bring you peace, warmth, and happiness.
Merry Christmas & Happy new year!