– Donation 2023

This Christmas and IS Tools will be donating to Médecins Sans Frontières. With Christmas around the corner and just some weeks left for new year, we want to end this year by thanking Médecins Sans Frontières (Läkare utan gränser) with a donation. and IS Tools highlights awareness of global challenges that exist beyond […] – Exhibitor @Connected Germany 2023 – Exhibitor @Connected Germany 2023 Robust and faster internet is of top priority in European countries. has been playing a major role in making that happen since 2013, by providing a software to major companies in telecom. Our software helps companies to accelerate rollouts, save time by automating and digitalizing FTTx build processes. […] at Connected Britain 2023

Providing a software solution for faster rollouts: at Connected Britain as exhibitor. is proud to announce its participation as an exhibitor at Connected Britain, the telecom event set to redefine the future of connectivity and fibre. “At, we believe that end-to-end digitalization of the complex deployment process enables both smooth collaboration between […]

Moving to Oracle OCI

To facilitate infrastructure administration, IS Tools is making a transition to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This transition also ensures a higher security standard for our services, and improves operational and business agility. More information on Oracle’s web can be found here.


We are participating in the Swedish Fiber Alliance initiative Schwedische Glasfaser-Allianz for the German FTTx-market…

FTTH Conference 2021

Meet us at FTTH Conference 2021! September 15-16, online here. We will be participating in the workshop Effective Scaling in exploding…